18 Aug - 19 Aug 2025

Lean Masterclass with Japanese Toyota Sensei

Akinori Hyodo from Toyota’s HiAce manufacturing plant in Japan, is looking forward to returning to New Zealand to lead a two-day Masterclass in Lean Thinking in August, 2025 to share his knowledge with you through his teaching, discussions and workshop sessions.



The two-days will provide you with the foundations of Lean Thinking and the links between the Principles and the Leadership behaviours that support them.

Hyodo Sensei explains Lean in a way that is profoundly easy to understand and simplifies the approach to Lean Thinking and Continuous Improvement across industry. There are few opportunities to hear from the masters of Lean Thinking so to have one on your doorstep is an opportunity not to be missed.

This event is hosted by Simply Lean Business Solutions in association with our Australian partner, Shinka Management who will also provide language interpretation services for Sensei.

Akinori Hyodo:

Hyodo Sensei is a long-time Toyota Production System Leader and former Factory Manager and Kaizen Leader. Having retired as a Factory Manager, he now heads the Kaizen Training arm of that same Toyota factory providing Lean training courses for companies in Toyota’s supply chain, and in addition hosts the training component of our annual Lean Japan Tour.

  • Factory Manager Toyota Parts Factory
  • Factory Manager Toyota Assembly Plant
  • 13 years member and leader of All-Toyota Kaizen Promotion Team
  • 27 years leading TPS Development within the No.1 ranked Toyota factory for Quality
  • Consults globally with wide range of non-automotive companies


Day 1:

  • TPS Principles
  • Developing human assets
  • Role of top management
  • Factory visit and diagnosis


Day 2:

  • Factory visit review
  • 5S and Visual Management
  • Standardized Work creation
  • Continuous Improvement Culture

The Masterclass will also include an overview of the operations at the Toyota Hiace Factory in Japan.



Target Audience:

This Masterclass has been developed to cover a range of participants. It details the Lean Thinking foundations from Toyota’s viewpoint so you are hearing first-hand the principles as they were developed by the founders. More advanced practitioners will better understand the links between the applications and the behaviours that bring about Continuous Improvement. Learn first-hand how process improvement is achieved within Japan’s leading companies, and more importantly, how to begin to implement or advance these practices within your organisation. The mix of teachings and the practical process development sessions will satisfy all levels of participants from Managing Directors and Managers in Operations, Production, Continuous Improvement, or Quality, to shop-floor Leaders interested in developing their own knowledge and fostering a culture of Continuous Improvement within their organisation.

Terms, Eligibility and Registration of Interest:

To Register your Interest in this event click on the Enquire button on the right of this page and fill in your details. Spaces are limited so register now to secure your seat. Simply Lean Business Solutions Limited, Shinka Management and the site visit company reserve the right to decline registrations owing to conflicts of interest. Confirmation of your registration and payment details will be by return email. This Workshop is registered with the Management Capability Development Voucher Fund. Find out more by visiting Regional Business Partners. Those who are eligible for this funding support will need to apply for this through their respective local Regional Business Partner.